Our safeguarding team is available to help and support you.
Staff and Governors at Cloudside Academy are aware that many children are the victims of different kinds of abuse and that they can be subjected to social factors that have an adverse impact upon their lives – including domestic violence, substance misuse, bullying, mental health and radicalisation. We also acknowledge that safeguarding incidents could happen anywhere and staff should be alert to possible concerns arising.
For any safeguarding concerns during school hours, please contact the school office on 0115 9392263 and ask for a member of the designated safeguarding team above.
If you are concerned about a child you can also contact Starting Point on 01623 533190 or 01629 532600 (out of hours) or email [email protected]
Keeping children safe is a key priority in school. Safeguarding takes many forms including: protecting children from harm; preventing impairment of children’s health and development; enabling safe and effective parenting and giving children equal opportunities in life. We do many things every day in school to ensure children are safe including: ensuring all staff are trained in safeguarding; having clear policies and procedures in place to keep children safe; monitoring children’s attendance; ensuring a safe and healthy site; ensuring the behaviour of children is in line with the Academy behaviour policy and using our curriculum to teach children about risk taking, diversity, healthy lifestyles, managing relationships, online safety and much more.
A culture of safeguarding is embedded at Cloudside Academy. We pride ourselves in knowing our children and the needs of both the individuals within our community and the needs of the wider community itself. As a result of our knowledge and experience of the challenges some of our children face we have designed a bespoke curriculum to reflect this.
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
Below are links to helpful government guidance about safeguarding.
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Safeguarding and Child Protection
Advice to parents and carers on keeping children safe from abuse and harm – GOV.UK
Green Doctor – Helping UK residents stay warm, stay well and save energy
Helplines and websites if you need help now
Derby & Derbyshire Emotional Health & Wellbeing
Neurodevelopmental Community Hubs
Prevent – Parents Information Leaflet
For specific Online Safety advice, please follow this link