Year 3


Starlings Class

Miss Butt


Doves Class

Mrs Quigg


Miss Newton

Year 3 marks the beginning of KS2 which means the children will be starting to work more independently on a variety of exciting and engaging lessons.This is also the natural transition year from their infant school and we place a huge amount of importance on children settling into school life with us, feeling welcomed into their class and feeling a sense of belonging within our school community.

Our curriculum and learning combines practical and written outcomes to provide an immersive experience to learning and to ‘make learning come alive’. We are keen for the children to be as ‘hands on’ and practical as possible with the children taking responsibility for and leading their own learning. We use a variety of artefacts, pictures, texts and technology to make our learning come to life. We apply our learning in a variety of ways and incorporate technology where we can by creating our own weather reports in geography and Horrible History style drama pieces in history.

Year 3 Curriculum Map 23-24

Home learning

Please click on the link below to access the Seesaw home learning platform.