Here at Cloudside, we provide a wide range of experiences to ensure that everyone had a well-rounded and exciting education. We believe that every child should have quality enrichment opportunities and our Pupil Passports map out the journey that every child will have while with us.
Across the four years, each child will experience the following:
These clubs have ranged from drama, sports, robotics, crafts, quiz club, philosophy, Dungeons and Dragons, board games, Kapla and cooking. All children can access the clubs, providing them with the opportunity to interact with friends and children across the wider school while trying new skills. All clubs provided are based on the interest of the children, where teachers will often create clubs requested.
Linked to our school value of responsibility and our aims to create citizens of the future, we provide a range of opportunities for the children to apply for job roles across school. Jobs are advertised and children have the opportunity to apply for jobs by completing an application form. Interviews are held and then the best candidates are awarded the role. Each job role has a clear job description, hours and pay. Each fortnight the children are paid Cloudside coins for the hours that they have completed. The children can then decide whether they want to spend the money that they have earnt or save for something that is more expensive.
The roles help to create a positive, clean and calm environment across the whole schools, where the children become fully invested in making their school setting a great place to be.
There are a variety of jobs such as computer technicians, who make sure that all IT equipment is plugged in at the end of each day so they are ready for use the following day. Classroom assistants support their teacher will handing out resources and systems in the classroom. Gardeners help to maintain the beautiful grounds, looking after the plants and the allotment.
Each month, one employee is identified as being employee of the month. The child awarded is given a certificate which is shared in assembly and they are awarded bonus Cloudside coins that they can spend in the job shop.